Rihanna, Chris Brown back in love?

Rihanna, Chris Brown back in love?

Chris Brown and Rihanna are rumoured to have reunited given their actions and words over the last
few weeks. Brown recently publicly cut ties with model girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, saying he didn’t want her to get hurt over his friendship with former mate, Rihanna, according to MTV today.
Now pictures have hit the Web that show Tran leaving Brown’s house, the two setting off in separate vehicles and hook­ing back up at an L.A. area convenience store where Brown appeared to pay for Karrueche Tran’s gasoline. This happened after Brown and Rihanna were seen acting affectionately at a public event in Beverly Hills last week Saturday night.
And now, rumors have suggested that Rihanna and Brown are about to go public with their relationship, especially as they were caught kissing last week Saturday night. Rihanna continued to hint at the pair’s reconciliation by tweeting Bible ex­cerpts such as, Forgiveness wins, followed later by, For if you forgive people their trespasses… your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Rihanna is almost done recording her newest single Color Girl, a title that doesn’t go without notice for its perhaps veiled message about her reuniting with Chris Brown. It’s widely held that the singer is waiting for the single’s release to officially announce her relationship with Chris Brown again. Some sources have gone so far as to suggest the two are plan­ning to elope.
According to an insider, “That’s why you’ve been seeing them together a lot more recently. She’s just biding her time and let­ting people get used to it”.
The N.Y. Post News reported that at a re­cent Chris Brown event, Rihanna was never far from Chris Brown’ side as the two got cosy on the couches at Plum Crazy, a night club. The couple chatted with their heads bent close together and were even spotted sharing drinks and a few kisses.
In early October, Rihanna and Brown were seen partying at several NYC clubs, and even attended Jay-Z’s concert at the Barclay’s Centre, later that week.
A few days later, Brown released a drunken video where he contemplated the possibility of being in love with two people at the same time. It seemed obvious at the time he was talking about his renewed affection for Rihanna as well as still caring for Karrueche Tran.

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